Thursday, July 30, 2009

To whom it mat concern,

It's not exactly that things are going all that well. It's just.. nothing is going wrong. And for the first time in years I don't feel like I need to change something about my life. I'm just comfortable with the way things are. All those little things that used to bring drama stumbling and crashing into my life are gone. I'm not even thinking about schooling right now. I've earned myself a break. I'm not thinking of romance. It's just not something I feel I need to sit and put a lot of thought into. It's best just lived. I'm not stressing out over friend drama. I have none. I'm not "fighting" anyone. I've left it up to people to decide who wants to be around me. What better way to surround myself with worth while friends?? It's just peaceful. Sure there's still stress here in there from Family stuff and working and... just things like that. Me, myself, and I are doing fine.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009


Tanks for the back rub. But now I need to watch a movie.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

whatever I want

I think they're beautiful... However common.

*I know that no two things are exactly alike.
*You can't assume limits on something judging by its appearance.
*Things are not always as they seem.

I think they're beautiful.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


I've always tried to have too much control over things in my life. I think that's where half my problems came from... Me trying to be in control.. When in reality I have no say in what happens. I mean, yes on a smaller scale I can control things. I can control my day. I can't control who I meet. I can't control who wants to be my friend. I can't control how fast the world moves around me. Lately it feels like I have to just sit back, take it all as it comes and deal with it.
You don't want to be my friend... I tried. I did... But I can't change your mind for you.
You say you need me. Okay, I'm here for you. I do love you. I do.
You say you don't know me. You don't bother. I'm not going to chase you. When you want to know me... you will =)
You expect so much from me. Well this is all I'm giving now. Later, we'll see. I need to do what's best for me.
I can't control your world any more than I can control mine. And I'm okay with that. I'm making the most of what I have. Which wouldn't seem like much.. A job. A close friend. A warm summers day... It's enough for me. My heart is not only healing, but growing. I'm open to hearing my options. Whenever they show up.