So most everyone who reads this blog knows the cops showed up at our house on Friday night/Saturday morning. While I understand why they were there and most of their action are hard to argue with especially since they didn't arrest us... I feel the right to complain about how unprofessional they were. If their motive was simply to scare us then they accomplished it without difficulty. However if they were under the impression that they were generating any kind of respect for themselves they were horribly mistaken. There is no reason to make fun of us that way. There's no reason to keep calling me "drunk" when I was CLEARLY not. Telling me I lived in a "dump" and telling me I'm "trash" is completely unnecessary. Also, taking my roommates books was uncalled for. They were trying to make a point by bringing out their Pot-Smokers Handbook and their issues of High Times. They said they were taking them for "evidence" ... but they didn't charge us with anything. So taking the books was, in fact, illegal. They had no right to do that. Finally, telling two young woman that they are on "the fast track to getting raped" is bordering on abuse. Those officers had no right to act the way they did. I understand why they were there, I understand why they took the actions they did, but their attitudes were terrible. All of this along with the stories from some of my other friends from that night have seriously diminished my faith in, and respect for, the Alaska State Troopers.