Sunday, April 19, 2009

I miss you

I sit at home on weekends. Friday nights I wait around in town(usually alone) until polar brear practice, I dance for an hour then go home, fall asleep around 12, sleep for 12 hours... wake up and watch a movie, write a blog, jam around on facebook and myspace. I spend Saturday evenings texting and watching the same movies over and over again in different languages to get a different take on them. Sundays sometimes I can bum a ride into town with my mom to go to Fred Meyers and do some grocery shopping. I come home, do homework, text, jam around online... wait for everyone else to fall asleep... read... and wake up ready for Monday, which I love. I love week days. At school I see my friends. I sit in the hall with Chris in the mornings. Sometimes I go to lunch with Ashleigh or go sit in Mr. Easts room with Lavina. After school I sit around and wait until I'm the last one there. Then I go home, read, text, watch movies in foreign languages, sleep...

I miss having a group. I miss the "uber bitch." I miss "twons." I miss "fat parties." I miss "double Es." I miss coming up with a bunch of unnecessary group names. lol I miss the dance team.

Sometimes I wonder if I'm ever missed.
Usually I try not to though. My brain likes to answer those questions for me...


  1. i miss fat parties too... remind me to talk to you about that

  2. this is my junior year...
